[ Browse by Service Category : Consumer Assistance and Protection : Sub-Topics of Consumer Complaints (18) ]
Adult Residential Facility Complaints
Programs, usually offered by licensing authorities, that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the licensing, cleanliness and safety of facilities, treatment of residents, quality of care, excessive fees, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of group residences for adults with disabilities, assisted living facilities, and senior residential care homes.
Banking Institution Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the quality of service, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of national or provincial banks or chartered commercial banks. Included are complaints regarding errors in computing interest, late charges or impounds, improper foreclosures on real estate loans, failure to meet loan commitments, noncompliance with the terms of the contract loan agreement or other similar problems.
Bus Transportation System Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the rates, services, routes, treatment of passengers, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of bus companies.
Charitable Organization Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the licensing, fund raising practices, use of contributions (how much money actually goes to the charity's clients or what the funds are used to support), unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of registered charities and other nonprofit organizations that solicit funds from the public.
Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices
Programs such as governmental, departmental or nonprofit ombudsman offices that provide assistance for people who want to register complaints about or have other issues which relate to the activities, actions or lack of action by public officials or civil service employees in local, county, provincial or federal government offices or the agencies they regulate and/or fund. Also included are programs that handle complaints about the availability and quality of services provided by any of these levels of government. The program provides an objective, neutral and independent review of complaints; offers reasonable remedies when complaints are substantiated; and uses information from the complaints and the investigations they trigger to identify and resolve problems within the agency or department and improve services.
Health Facility Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the licensing; incompetence of staff; cleanliness and safety of facilities; treatment of patients; quality of care; excessive fees; charges for services not rendered; unethical, improper or unprofessional conduct of personnel; or other inappropriate business practices of organizations that provide health care services.
Housing Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding improper, unethical or illegal practices in the provision of housing.
Insurance Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the licensing, services, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of companies that sell insurance or settle insurance claims.
Mental Health Facility Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the licensing, incompetence of staff, cleanliness and safety of facilities, treatment of patients, quality of care, excessive fees, unethical, improper or unprofessional conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of inpatient or residential facilities for people who have substantive mental, emotional or social problems.
Personal Care Agency Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding agencies that offer the services of paraprofessional aides who provide assistance with personal hygiene (bathing, grooming and mouth care), clothing care, ambulation, seating, toileting, housekeeping (changing bed linens or other chores that are essential to the individual's health and comfort), food preparation and nutritional and environmental support for recently discharged hospital patients, elderly people and people with disabilities in their own homes or other settings. Typical complaints include confusion in communication when multiple caregivers are assigned to the same person, caregivers who are not punctual, inconsistent quality of care, lack of caregiver training, excessive amounts of time spent on the phone, payment issues and not being informed when a caregiver is ill.
Practitioner Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve regarding the licensing, incompetence, negligence, violations of laws relating to the use and prescription of dangerous drugs and narcotics, quality of service, excessive fees, unprofessional conduct or other inappropriate business practices of individuals who are licensed to practice in the health, mental health and veterinary science fields.
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School Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding licensing or accreditation, quality of education or other practices of public and private schools, vocational/trade schools, correspondence schools, colleges, universities or other educational institutions.
Utility Service Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the rates, services, equipment, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of companies that provide electricity, water, natural gas or telephone services.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.