 | A Cappella Showcase | Waterdown |
 | Abbey Oaks Slo Pitch, Men's Slo Pitch League | Oakville |
 | Acton Badminton Club, Recreational Badminton | Acton |
 | Acton Citizens Band | Acton |
 | Acton Curling Club | Acton |
 | Acton Soccer Club | Acton |
 | Adult Recreational League | Burlington |
 | Aldershot Community Recreation Association | Burlington |
 | Aldershot Tennis Club | Burlington |
 | American Women's Club of Southern Ontario, Social Club | Oakville |
 | Appleby Tennis Club | Burlington |
 | Assaulted Women's Helpline | Toronto |
 | Beta Sigma Phi, Burlington - Mailing Address | Burlington |
 | Beta Sigma Phi, Milton - Mailing Address | Milton |
 | Beta Sigma Phi, Oakville - Mailing Address | Oakville |
 | Bronte Harbour Yacht Club and Sailing School, Learn to Sail Programs | Oakville |
 | Bronte Tennis Club | Oakville |
 | Bronte Waterfront Walkers, Walking and Social Group | Oakville |
 | Brookville Masters Slo Pitch League | Milton |
 | Bubble Tennis Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Amateur Sports Leagues | Burlington |
 | Burlington Badminton Club, Recreational Badminton | Burlington |
 | Burlington Chess Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Civic Chorale, Choir Group | Burlington |
 | Burlington Curling Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Lawn Bowling Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Masters Swim Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Mens Hockey League | Burlington |
 | Burlington Newcomers Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Oldtimers Hockey Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Oldtimers Soccer Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Tennis Club | Burlington |
 | Burlington Vintage Baseball League | Burlington |
 | Burlington Welsh Ladies Chorus | Burlington |
 | Burlington Welsh Male Chorus | Burlington |
 | Burlington Womens Recreational Soccer League | Burlington |
 | Burlington. Recreation, Community and Culture, Adult 19 and 55 Programs | Burlington |
 | Burloak Canoe Club | Oakville |
 | Canadian Croatian Choral Society | Oakville |
 | Circle of Harmony Chorus | Oakville |
 | Crusaders Rugby Club | Oakville |
 | Falgarwood Badminton Club, Recreational Badminton | Oakville |
 | Family Services of Peel, Abuse Prevention | Mississauga |
 | Family Services of Peel, Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse | Mississauga |
 | Forestview Church Without Walls, Next Door Social Space | Burlington |
 | Georgetown Ladies Powderpuff League | Georgetown |
 | Georgetown Lawn Bowling Club | Georgetown |
 | Georgetown Pipe Band | Georgetown |
 | Georgetown Racquet Club | Georgetown |
 | Georgetown Slopitch League | Georgetown |
 | Georgetown South Junior Badminton Club, Recreational Badminton | Georgetown |
 | Glen Abbey Ladies Slo Pitch League | Oakville |
 | Glen Abbey Slo-Pitch League | Oakville |
 | Golden Horseshoe Chorus | Burlington |
 | Good Shepherd Centres, Good Shepherd Women's Emergency Services, Mary's Place | Hamilton |
 | Halton and Oakville Men's Hockey League | Oakville |
 | Halton Field Hockey Club | Oakville |
 | Halton Hills Concert Band | Georgetown |
 | Halton Hills Men's Slopitch League | Georgetown |
 | Halton Hills Mixed Volleyball League | Halton Hills |
 | Halton Hills Pickleball Association | Halton Hills |
 | Halton Hills Tennis Club | Georgetown |
 | Halton Hills. Recreation & Parks, Recreation Programs | Halton Hills |
 | Halton Outdoor Club | Burlington |
 | Halton Sportsmen's Association | Milton |
 | Hope Place Centres, Men's Residential Addiction Treatment | Hornby |
 | Hope Place Centres, Community Based Addiction Treatment | Halton Hills |
 | Hope Place Centres, Women's Residential Addiction Treatment | Halton Hills |
| How to Find - Emergency Shelters in Halton and Area | Halton Region |
 | How to Find - Food and Emergency Housing, Halton Hills | Halton Hills |
 | Interval House, Virtual Counselling Services | Toronto |
 | Iranian Women's Organization of Ontario | Toronto |
 | Kerr Street Concert Band | Oakville |
 | Knox Presbyterian Church, Georgetown | Georgetown |
 | Ladies Marathon Bridge Club of Oakville | Oakville |
 | Lawn Bowls Milton | Milton |
 | Lawson Park Family Tennis Club | Oakville |
 | Milton Active Oldstars Hockey Club | Milton |
 | Milton Badminton Club, Recreational Badminton | Milton |
 | Milton Choristers | Milton |
 | Milton Curling Club | Milton |
 | Milton Ladies Slo Pitch, Recreational Baseball League | Milton |
 | Milton Ladies Softball League | Milton |
 | Milton Mens Basketball | Milton |
 | Milton Old Friends League, 48+ Slo-Pitch League | Milton |
 | Milton Philharmonic Orchestra | Milton |
 | Milton Pleasure League | Milton |
 | Milton Red Sox Senior Baseball Club | Milton |
 | Mission Services of Hamilton, Inasmuch House Women's Shelter Services | Hamilton |
 | Mission Services of Hamilton, Men's Shelter Services | Hamilton |
 | Native Women's Resource Centre of Toronto, Community Programs | Toronto |
 | North Halton Community Singers | Acton |
 | North Halton Rugby Football Club | Georgetown |
 | Oakville Choral | Oakville |
 | Oakville Curling Club | Oakville |
 | Oakville Masters Men's Slo-Pitch League | Oakville |
 | Oakville Masters Swim Club | Oakville |
 | Oakville Newcomers' Club | Oakville |
 | Oakville Senior Ladies Basketball League | Oakville |
 | Oakville Soccer Club | Oakville |
 | Oakville Symphony | Oakville |
 | Oakville. Recreation and Culture, Oakville Recreational Leagues | Oakville |
 | Oasis Centre des femmes, Oasis Centre des Femmes, Brampton Satellite Office | Brampton |
 | Older Women's Network | Toronto |
 | Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Program | Toronto |
 | Palermo Hammer Fastball Club | Burlington |
 | Region of Halton Dart League | Georgetown |
 | Retired Teachers of Ontario, Halton District 15 - No Physical Address | Halton Region |
 | Retired Women Teachers of Ontario, No Physical Address, Lydia Snow North Halton Branch | Halton North |
 | Royal Canadian Legion, Acton - Branch 197, Ladies Auxiliary | Acton |
 | Royal Canadian Legion, Burlington - Branch 60, Ladies Auxiliary | Burlington |
 | Royal Canadian Legion Branch 120, Georgetown - Branch 120, Ladies Auxiliary | Georgetown |
 | Salvation Army (The), Georgetown, Community and Family Services | Georgetown |
 | Salvation Army (The), Halton Lighthouse Emergency Shelter | Oakville |
 | Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Services of Halton (SAVIS) | Oakville |
 | South Asian Canadians Health and Social Services, SACHSS Mental Health Services | Brampton |
 | Tempus Choral Society | Oakville |
 | Thrive Counselling, Violence Against Women Program | Halton Region |
 | Top Hat Marching Orchestra | Burlington |
 | Trans Lifeline | |
 | Tuesday Night Mens Basketball | Oakville |
 | Tyandaga Tennis Club | Burlington |
 | Wai Nui O Kanaka Outrigger Canoe Club | Oakville |
 | Wallace Park Tennis Club | Oakville |
 | Wesley, Housing Services – Halton | Halton Region |
 | Women's Centre of Halton (The), Legal Clinic and Advocacy | Oakville |
 | Women's Centre of Halton (The), One-on-One Support Services | Oakville |
 | Women's Centre of Halton (The), Support Groups and Workshops | Oakville |
 | Womens Recreational Volleyball, Mailing Address | Milton |
 | YMCA of Hamilton / Burlington / Brantford, Burlington - Ron Edwards Family YMCA, Adult and Student Programs | Burlington |
 | YMCA of Oakville, Adult Programs | Oakville |
 | YWCA Hamilton, Women's Transitional Living Program | Hamilton |