Organization / Program Name(s) Located In
African Community Services of Peel, Violence Against Women ProgramBrampton
Assaulted Women's HelplineToronto
Elder Abuse Prevention OntarioEtobicoke Central
Ernestine's Women's ShelterToronto
Family Services of Peel, Abuse PreventionMississauga
Halton Women's Place, Emergency Shelter and Support ServicesHalton Region
Interval House, Virtual Counselling ServicesToronto
Interval House of Hamilton, Flamborough Women's Resource Centre Location, Counselling and Community ServicesHamilton
Joseph Brant Hospital, Nina's Place: Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Care CentreBurlington
My Community Services, My Community Services, Mississauga WestMississauga
Oasis Centre des femmes, Oasis Centre des Femmes, Brampton Satellite OfficeBrampton
PCHS, PCHS BramptonBrampton
PCHS, PCHS MississaugaMississauga
Thrive Counselling, Burlington Head OfficeBurlington
Thrive Counselling, Oakville OfficeOakville
Thrive Counselling, Violence Against Women ProgramHalton Region
Women's Centre of Halton (The), One-on-One Support ServicesOakville