[ Browse by Service Category : Disabilities and Health Conditions : Sub-Topics of Patients (7) ]
Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy Patients
People who are undergoing treatment for cancer or other diseases that involves the application of chemical reagents which have a specific and toxic effect upon cancer cells or other disease-causing organisms; or the use of radioactive substances including radioactive isotopes and ionizing radiation to destroy diseased cells or keep them from reproducing.
People who are in the process of recovering from an illness, injury or surgery.
Nursing Facility Residents
Individuals who have recently been released from the hospital, are recovering from an illness or injury, have chronic illnesses or disabilities, or are frail elderly and require constant medical support, and who are residing in an intermediate care facility, a skilled nursing facility, a subacute care nursing facility or a special care inpatient unit.
Individuals who receive treatment at a hospital, clinic or dispensary but are not hospitalized.
Surgical Patients
Individuals who are in the process of making a decision about surgery, are scheduled for surgery or have gone through surgery and are in the recovery/rehabilitation process.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.