[ Browse by Service Category : Organizational/Community/International Services : Sub-Topics of Community Groups and Government/Administrative Offices (188) ]

Administrative Entities

Management offices that serve as headquarters for organizations and which provide services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization but which offer no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like training, community awareness programs or materials and research. Included are the administrative offices of local city and county departments, provincial agencies and federal agencies as well as those that oversee the work of large non-governmental agencies.

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Administrative Tribunals

Adjudicative bodies appointed and funded by the government but operating independently whose functions include research and recommendations (e.g., law reform commissions); rule making and policy development (e.g., radio-television or provincial securities commissions); grant allocation (e.g., arts or regional development agencies); adjudication (e.g., labour relations or municipal boards, human rights tribunals); and standard setting (e.g., environmental assessment or workers' compensation boards). Although not part of the judicial court system, tribunals have wide powers to summon witnesses and records and to take evidence under oath. Procedures and standards for evidence are more flexible than in the courts system, though decisions may be reviewed by the courts on appeal. Some administrative tribunals may be ad hoc to deal with a specific subject, such as inquiry commissions.

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Categorical Program Administrative Units

Provincial or regional organizations that are responsible for the implementation of programs that have been established by legislative mandate. Responsibilities include development of a regional plan, solicitation of proposals for service delivery, allocation of public monies (generally federal or provincial dollars that have been earmarked for the program), monitoring of service contracts and evaluation of outcomes. Some organizations provide all or a range of the mandated services directly.

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Charities/Grantmaking Organizations

Organizations that solicit contributions, endowments and other financial support from public and private sources which are used directly by the organization to provide human services for eligible residents of the community or which are utilized to provide the total or supplementary financial support for human service programs of community agencies and organizations. Also included are governmental and quasi-governmental entities that manage the allocation of public monies to public and private human service providers.

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Civic Groups

Clubs, associations and other voluntary organizations whose members are concerned with the general welfare of the community and enhancing the life of its residents.

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Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups

Organizations whose members have joined together on a voluntary basis to promote a particular cause or work for the realization of a specific social or political goal.

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Indigenous Governments and Organizations

Formal bodies representing and serving members of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities in Canada. The Government of Canada has committed to negotiating self-government agreements with Indigenous peoples, and recognizes their inherent right to govern themselves in relation to matters internal to their communities; integral to their unique cultures, identities, traditions, languages and institutions; and with respect to their special relationship to their land and their resources. Self-government in Canada doesn't imply sovereignty in the sense of an independent government, as for example most federal and provincial laws continue to apply or co-exist alongside Indigenous laws.

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Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups

Governing boards, advisory boards, commissions, committees and other groups that provide advice, guidance and, in some cases, formal oversight, for public and private organizations that are responsible for the provision of services to the community; that assess existing social conditions and problems and develop and assist in the implementation of specific strategies for meeting the human service needs of the community; and/or which assist community agencies and organizations to coordinate the provision of services in an efficient, nonduplicative way. Also included are entities that are composed of community agencies which have an established networking relationship that provides a collaborative approach to addressing specific identified community needs and problems.

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Public Officials Offices

The offices of individuals who have been appointed or elected to a city, county, provincial or federal public office for a specified tenure and who are thereby in a position to exercise that portion of the sovereign functions of government that are conferred on that office by the constitution or the legislature.

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