[ Browse by Service Category : Specialty Medicine : Sub-Topics of Internal Medicine (27) ]
Cardiovascular Medicine
Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive medical management including preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have diseases or other conditions that affect the heart, lungs and blood vessels. Cardiologists manage complex cardiac conditions such as heart attacks and life threatening abnormal heart beat rhythms in settings such as coronary care units of hospitals.
Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for people who have diseases or disorders of the ductless glands which produce hormones that affect the rate of metabolism and metabolism of specific substances, growth and developmental processes, the secretory activity of other endocrine glands, the development and functioning of the reproductive organs, sexual characteristics and libido, the development of personality and higher nervous functions, the ability of the body to meet conditions of stress, and resistance to disease. The ductless glands include the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, the parathyroid glands, the adrenal glands, the islands of Lagerhaus in the pancreas, and the gonads.
Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for people who have diseases and conditions such as abdominal pain, ulcers, diarrhea, cancer or jaundice that affect the digestive system including the stomach, bowels, liver, gallbladder and related organs.
Geriatric Medicine
Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for elderly individuals who have diseases or conditions that are associated with the aging process. Special assistance may include recognizing altered presentations of illnesses, dealing with multisystem organ involvement, handling special drug interactions, utilizing resources such as nursing homes and community social services, and assisting with ethical issues in the care of people who are elderly.
Infectious Disease Specialty
Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have diseases or conditions which may affect any organ and are caused by infection agents, bacteria or fungi. Patients with fevers that are unexplained are often seen by these specialists and selective use of antibiotics is often employed as a means of treatment.
Medical Oncology
Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have cancer of any type or other benign or malignant tumours. Medical oncologists decide on and administer chemotherapy for malignancy as well as consult with surgeons and radiotherapists regarding treatment of cancer.
Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide medical management including comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have disorders of the kidney, hypertension or fluid and mineral imbalances.
Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide for the comprehensive medical management including preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have diseases or conditions that affect the joints, muscles, bones, tendons and other supporting structures such as ligaments and cartilage. Rheumatologists diagnose and treat arthritis, various types of back pain, muscle strains, common athletic injuries and rare diseases of the tissues and arteries in many body systems often referred to as collagen disease.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.