[ Browse by Service Category : Health Screening/Diagnostic Services : Sub-Topics of Disease/Disability Specific Screening/Diagnosis (123) ]
Balance Screening
Programs that evaluate an individual's postural alignment, functional reach, standing balance and ability to go from sitting to standing to walking as a means of identifying personal risk factors for falls. Information regarding exercises that may improve balance and tips for avoiding falls may also be provided.
Blood Pressure Screening
Programs that measure the pressure existing in the large arteries at the height of a pulse wave and identify individuals whose blood pressure is higher than normal, and who are thereby susceptible to strokes and other conditions that are related to hypertension.
Brain Injury Assessment
Programs that conduct medical tests to determine the extent of brain injuries and the type of treatment and rehabilitation that are needed. Brain injuries may be hereditary, congenital, degenerative or acquired. Acquired brain injuries include central nervous system injury from physical trauma (traumatic brain injuries), anoxia or hypoxic episodes and allergic conditions, toxic substances, and other acute medical/clinical incidents.
Cancer Detection
Programs that offer any of a variety of tests which are used to identify people who have some form of cancer which, if caught in an early stage, may be treated with a higher probability of success.
Dementia Evaluation
Programs that offer a variety of tests to establish the presence of Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease or other conditions which involve loss of memory, deterioration of intellectual functioning, disorientation and other similar symptoms.
Dental Screening
Programs that provide dental examinations to detect tooth decay and periodontal problems, and oral hygiene information; but which refer out for cleaning, fillings, extractions and other necessary dental care.
Diabetes Screening
Programs that administer tests which determine whether an individual has diabetes, a disorder in which the pancreas produces too little insulin with the result that the body in unable to adequately metabolize sugar.
Driving Evaluation
Programs that evaluate the motor and cognitive functioning of elderly individuals or people with disabilities to determine the person's ability to drive. Some programs may also recommend vehicle modifications that will enable the individual to continue to drive.
Eye Examinations
Programs that conduct a series of tests which measure an individual's visual acuity, identify refractive errors that cause poor vision and check for eye diseases such as glaucoma; and prescribe corrective lenses in situations where there are vision problems. Eye examinations are offered by optometrists and ophthalmologists and are usually available through mobile eye clinics.
Geriatric Assessment
Programs, generally staffed by an interdisciplinary team comprising a geriatrician, a nurse, a social worker and a pharmacist, that evaluate the functional ability, physical health, cognitive and mental health and socioenvironmental situation of older adults, particular those who are frail or chronically ill, to identify health-related problems, develop plans for treatment and follow-up, coordinate care, determine the need for long-term care, and ensure the optimal use of health care resources. Beneficial outcomes may include greater diagnostic accuracy, improved functional and mental status, reduced mortality, decreased use of nursing facilities and acute care hospitals and increased satisfaction with care.
Hearing Screening
Programs that offer hearing threshold tests for the purpose of identifying individuals whose ability to perceive sound falls outside the normal range. People who fail the screening test need an in-depth evaluation by an audiologist.
Kidney Screening
Programs that offer any of a variety of tests which determine whether an individual shows signs of decline in kidney function at an early enough stage that progression to more severe forms of kidney disease can be delayed or prevented. Included are blood pressure checks; a blood test for creatinine which estimates the glomerular filtration rate (the rate at which waste is being filtered by the kidneys); and a urine test (urinalysis or microalbumin) which looks for unusually large amounts of protein being excreted. Screening is particularly important for people with diabetes, high blood pressure or a family history of kidney disease, as well as for older adults and people of African, Asian, Latin American, or Pacific Island descent.
Limb Assessment
Programs that conduct evaluations which assess upper and/or lower limb function when there appear to be impairments that are the result of a congenital anomaly, a neurological disorder or an accidental injury.
Nutrition Assessment Services
Programs that evaluate an individual's nutritional history and dietary intake and develop a plan which ensures that the person's nutritional needs are met. The evaluation includes a review of the individual's food habits and preferences, an assessment of his or her feeding skills and eating problems and an analysis of biochemical and anthropometric variables including the person's height and weight and the fat content of his or her body.
Osteoporosis Detection
Programs that administer tests which determine whether an individual has or is in the process of developing osteoporosis, a condition involving the loss of bone mass which puts the individual at risk of bone fractures, particularly vertebral and hip fractures.
Pulmonary Function Screening
Programs that employ a spiroscope to measure the amount of available lung capacity an individual uses during respiration.
Tuberculosis Screening
Programs that identify individuals who have contracted tuberculosis by administering chest x-rays; the Mantoux test, the von Pirquet test or the Vollmer patch test, all of which determine the presence of a tuberculosis infection based on a local inflammatory reaction to a sample of the bacillus which has been injected or rubbed into the skin; or other screening tools.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.