[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Smoking/Vaping Cessation (201) ]

Disease Prevention Programs

Programs that help people who have a family history or other risk factors associated with a chronic disease such as heart disease and stroke, cancer and diabetes make lifestyle or other changes that can prevent the disease or limit the initial onset. In addition to health promotion activities that encourage healthy living, prevention also embraces early detection efforts, including screening at-risk populations, as well as strong community-clinical linkages to help ensure that people at high risk of chronic diseases have access to community resources and support to prevent, delay or manage chronic conditions once they occur. Some programs may provide preventive care interventions for people who have a broader array of health concerns.

[ View Programs and Services (12) | Related Topics ]

Tobacco Use Education/Prevention

Programs that provide information about smoking and nicotine addiction, the dangers associated with smoking or utilizing other substances containing nicotine, the risks associated with exposure to second hand smoke and different approaches to smoking cessation with the objective of preventing people from starting to smoke or of helping them find a way to give up the habit if they already use tobacco products. Included may be printed materials or videos that address the subject and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups.

[ View Programs and Services (1) | Related Topics ]

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