[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Spiritual/Religious Issues Counselling (1) ]

Spiritual Enrichment

Programs that provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through the practice of organized religion or through independent spiritual pursuits.

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Faith Based Counselling

Programs that specialize in providing therapeutic interventions which focus on helping people relate to and resolve their problems and concerns in the context of their religious/spiritual beliefs. Services are typically provided by ministers, rabbis, priests, imams or lay representatives of a religious tradition who integrate modern psychological thought and methods with traditional religious training. Included are pastoral counselling programs which are offered in a variety of settings including pastoral counselling centres, inpatient and outpatient mental health facilities and in private practice; chaplaincy services where non-denominational clerics are attached to a secular institution such as a hospital, prison, military unit, school, business, police department, fire department, university or private chapel; and other religious counselling disciplines.

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