[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Personal Enrichment (26) ]

Lifestyle/Transition Related Support Groups

Mutual support groups whose members are people who have needs, issues and problems that relate to their lifestyle, career choice or their particular stage in life. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common and to address the quality of life issues that affect them all.

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Intergenerational Programs

Programs that increase cooperation, interaction or exchange between people of different generations dispelling stereotypes about old and young, and enabling individuals, families and communities to enjoy and benefit from the richness of an age-integrated society. Intergenerational programs are structured so that both age groups benefit from the interaction, but in many programs, one age group is the provider of service while the other is the recipient. Older people may mentor children or adolescents and serve as role models for young people who are preparing for adulthood, while students who understand the latest technology may teach older adults computer skills in their homes, senior centres or long term care settings. Older adults gain opportunities to develop meaningful contact with younger people and stay in touch with their communities while children and youth develop healthy attitudes about aging, gain an appreciation for rich cultural traditions and histories, and experience the satisfaction of sharing something they know. In many communities, young and old are working together as partners on community projects, and are finding that the collaboration leads to mutual appreciation while their communities reap the benefits of their work.

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Youth Enrichment Programs

Programs that offer a wide variety of activities including arts and crafts, academic programs, sports, reading clubs, workshops and other recreational, leisure, cultural, social and civic activities for school-age children and youth in out-of-school hours. The objective of youth enrichment programs is to promote healthy social interaction and help participants maximize their social, emotional, physical and academic potential.

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Spiritual Enrichment

Programs that provide opportunities for people to satisfy their inner needs and enhance their spiritual growth through the practice of organized religion or through independent spiritual pursuits.

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Professional Skills Development Support

Programs that offer workshops or other forms of training or support that help executive staff, managers, supervisors and line staff in nonprofit organizations, small businesses or other types of agencies or consultants who work with these organizations develop the skills they need to function more effectively in the workplace.

[ View Programs and Services (13) | Related Topics ]

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