[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Attendant Registries (5) ]

Attendant Services for People With Disabilities

Programs that provide support for individuals with disabilities who need assistance with routine activities in or outside their homes.

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Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

Programs for adults with developmental disabilities, sensory impairments, physical disabilities, or multiple disabilities who do not require 24-hour supervision that provide a highly individualized, coordinated system of services and supports which facilitates their ability to live in their own homes or apartments, to hire and supervise paid caregivers, to work in the community, to participate in community activities and to interact with nondisabled neighbours. A supported living agency may help the individual hire and supervise an attendant; develop a budget and pay bills on time; learn to shop and cook or hire someone to prepare meals for them; remember to take necessary medication; schedule medical appointments and get to the doctor's office; advertise for and select a roommate; make their living space barrier-free; learn about relationships, sexuality and parenting; select recreational pursuits that are personally satisfying; and accomplish other similar activities of daily living.

[ View Programs and Services (2) | Related Topics ]

Specialized Information and Referral

Programs that maintain information about community resources that are appropriate for a specific target group or human services sector (for example, youth programs or addiction services) and which link individuals who are in need of specialized services with appropriate resources and/or which provide information about community agencies and organizations that offer specialized services.

[ View Programs and Services (70) | Related Topics ]

The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

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