[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Health Education (311) ]

Safety Education Programs

Programs whose primary purpose is to make the public aware of the measures that people can take to reduce the risk of fires or accidents in the home, at school, at work, in the air or on the water or while walking, driving or riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle; and/or which provide instructions for preparing for and surviving an accident should one occur. Also included are programs that conduct related safety inspections, particularly in the traffic safety area.

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Mental Health Information/Education

Programs that provide information through a variety of channels that improves the public's understanding of mental health and mental illness; the nature, etiology, diagnosis and treatment or management of specific mental disorders; and strategies for reducing the incidence of negative impacts where possible. Mental health education programs help people make informed decisions about matters that affect their personal mental health and that of others. They inform the public of the risk factors and signs of mental health conditions, encourage people to take advantage of early detection programs, help people modify behaviours that compromise their own mental health and provide support for family members and friends who are coping with mental illness or other mental health issues that have affected a loved one.

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Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention

Programs that provide information about substance use disorders (including the substances most commonly used and their effects, the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders, screening and diagnostic procedures and methods of treatment) and/or which offer any of a variety of services that focus on substance use prevention for people of all ages who are at risk. Included may be printed materials or videos that address the subject; psycho-educational and skill building activities; structured groups which focus on family dynamics, problem-solving, self-esteem and similar issues; and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups regarding the dangers of alcohol and drug use and smoking, the signs of substance use disorders, the legal consequences of illegal substance use and how to get help.

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Medical Information Services

Programs that provide information about specific health and health-related topics including diseases and conditions, birth control, alcohol and drug abuse, mental health, safety and other similar topics that interested individuals can access on a website or in person, or by telephone, email, chat, text or other communication channel. Information may be in a self-serve, browsable format (for example a web resource directory or library of audio recordings) or provided by live agents with expertise in the field. Also included are 811 or similar services that, in addition to answering medical questions, help callers determine if they are experiencing a medical emergency and need immediate treatment.

[ View Programs and Services (11) | Related Topics ]

Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education

Programs that use any of a wide variety of materials to educate the public about issues that relate to a particular field or topic.

[ View Programs and Services (25) | Related Topics ]

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