[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Geriatric Assessment (10) ]

Secured Supportive Housing Units

Specialized units within supportive housing facilities that provide additional security to assure the safety and well being of residents with Alzheimer's disease or other conditions who may wander away from the facility or exhibit other problematic behaviours.

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Activities of Daily Living Assessment

Programs that evaluate an individual's capacity for self-care and his or her ability to function independently in the context of everyday living and which, where necessary, may recommend rehabilitative services (e.g., independent living skills instruction), supportive services (e.g., attendant care, personal care or home health care), or an alternative residential setting (e.g., an assisted living centre or nursing facility). Activities of daily living include bathing, eating, dressing, mobility, transferring from bed to chair and using the toilet. Most assessments also include instrumental activities of daily living such as using the telephone, taking medication, money management, housework, meal preparation, laundry and grocery shopping. Evaluation services are generally provided for individuals who have physical and/or mental limitations or for people whose age may constitute a temporary (children) or developing (elderly) limitation.

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Balance Screening

Programs that evaluate an individual's postural alignment, functional reach, standing balance and ability to go from sitting to standing to walking as a means of identifying personal risk factors for falls. Information regarding exercises that may improve balance and tips for avoiding falls may also be provided.

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Dementia Evaluation

Programs that offer a variety of tests to establish the presence of Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease or other conditions which involve loss of memory, deterioration of intellectual functioning, disorientation and other similar symptoms.

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Geriatric Medicine

Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for elderly individuals who have diseases or conditions that are associated with the aging process. Special assistance may include recognizing altered presentations of illnesses, dealing with multisystem organ involvement, handling special drug interactions, utilizing resources such as nursing homes and community social services, and assisting with ethical issues in the care of people who are elderly.

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Geriatric Psychiatry

Programs that specialize in providing multidisciplinary care including preventive, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation services for older adults with anxiety disorders, depression, cognitive impairments, psychoses or other mental health conditions in their homes, in long term care facilities or in hospital or nursing facility settings. The objectives of geriatric psychiatry are to improve the quality of life for older individuals who may have a combination of psychological, physical and social needs; and to support their ability to live independently in the community for as long as possible.

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