Description (Service) |
Check website or call before you go there. This listing describes where to find free public access to computers, wireless Internet, scanners, fax, etc. in Milton.
Milton Public Library For hours and locations see here All 3 branches offer free use of computers with:
- Free wifi and computers with Internet
- web-based e-mail
- Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
- USB drive/flashdrive/memory stick ports
- printing and photocopying($0.20 per page black and white, $0.40 colour), free scanning of documents
- wireless Internet access and printing available at all 3 locations (print from your own device or from a library computer)
Centre for Skills Development and Training (The), Ontario Employment Services, 550 Ontario Street South, Suite 208. For details see here Free use of computers to those using for job search, training and education research, services include:
- computers with Internet
- web-based e-mail
- Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
- CD/DVD drives
- USB drive/flashdrive/memory stick ports
- fax (sending only)
- free printing and photocopying (max. 20 sheets per day)
- scanner (scanned documents cannot be edited)
- use of phone (local and long-distance)
- many Canada Post postal outlets offer fax services
- most commercial office services stores offer internet use, word processing, etc. on a fee-for-use basis, and may have scanner and fax services
- most printing shops can print from a USB drive
- see Yellow Pages under "Copying and Duplicating Service"
FREE WIRELESS INTERNET (using own laptop/device)
- most of the Town's arenas, Town Hall and recreation and community centres have free wireless access
- numerous commercial locations also offer free wireless to customers