Trillium Health Partners

Site: Credit Valley Hospital

Service: Chronic Kidney Disease Program

Record #: MHH0612
Last Full Update: 02 Jul 2024

Contact Information

Office Phone 905-813-3951 (Regional Nephrology Clinic)
905-813-4244 (Multi-Care Kidney Clinic)
905-813-4230 (Home Peritoneal Dialysis Unit)
905-813-4126 (Home Hemodialysis Unit)905-813-4240 (Renal Care Centre)
Toll Free Phone 1-877-292-4284 (1-877-292-4CVH)
Crisis Phone Call 911 in emergencies
Fax 905-813-4248
Social Media Facebook Facebook, Instagram Instagram, LinkedIn LinkedIn, X (Twitter) X (Twitter), YouTube YouTube
Primary Contact Dianne Mosley, Administrator; Phone: 905-813-2200 ext 3620

Site Information

Site Location Mississauga (Central Erin Mills)
Located In Community Mississauga
Address & Map
2200 Eglinton Ave W, A block
Mississauga, ON L5M 2N1
Intersection Erin Mills Pkwy and Eglinton Ave W
Physical Access Fully Accessible

Agency Information

Legal Status (50) Non Profit
Established 1985
Funding Donations * Ontario Health atHome

Description and Service Details

Description (Service)

Provides care for patients with diminished kidney function and provides dialysis support when a patient's kidneys are no longer functioning adequately

Regional Nephrology Clinic - provides central intake for patients to receive timely care to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease and delay the need for dialysis * the clinic's health care team includes nurses and nephrologists (physicians who specialize in the treatment of kidney disease) and incorporates best practices in chronic disease management, including prevention and self-management education * located on the main floor of the Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre and Ambulatory Care building at Credit Valley Hospital (F block), 905-813-3951

Multi-Care Kidney Clinic (formerly Kidney Care Clinic) - provides a multi-disciplinary approach to optimize wellness and delay the progression of kidney disease for individuals with advanced kidney failure (stages 4 and 5) * each patient of the clinic is assigned a primary nurse who helps organize their care along with the support of the nephrologists, dietitians, pharmacists, and social worker * ongoing patient and family education to better manage hypertension, anemia and diabetes * located at 75 Watline Ave, Ste 121, Mon-Fri 8am-4pm, 905-813-4244, Fax 905-813-4494 * hemodialysis is also available on-site at the Mississauga Hospital for patients who cannot be safely transported to the Credit Valley Hospital

Dialysis at Home
Home Peritoneal Dialysis (HPD) Unit: provides a multi-disciplinary program of care, education and support, in an outpatient setting, for patients with end stage renal disease who wish to maintain their independence by performing their own peritoneal dialysis at home * each patient is assigned a primary nurse as they come onto the program * each patient completes a customized education program before performing their own home peritoneal dialysis * patients of the Home Peritoneal Dialysis Unit have regular clinic visits every four to six weeks with the renal health team * Home Peritoneal Dialysis Unit Nurse is available  in the evenings, weekends and holidays for telephone support, call 905-813-2200 and ask for the Home Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse On-Call

  • Home Hemodialysis Unit: provides multi-disciplinary program of care, education and support, in an outpatient setting, for patients with end-stage renal disease who wish to maintain their independence by performing their own hemodialysis at home * patients of this unit will be visited by a nurse at home once every three months * Mon-Sat, 7am-6pm, 905-813-4126
  • Transition Unit: helps prepare patients for home hemodialysis training * Mon-Sat, 7am-6pm, 905-813-4126

Kidney Transplant Clinic - multi-disciplinary team provides follow-up care for patients who have had a kidney transplant at a transplant center and whose condition is now stable enough for follow up in their own community * located at 75 Watline Ave, Ste 121, Mon-Fri 8am-4pm, 905-813-4244, Fax 905-813-4494

Hemodialysis at Trillium Health Partners - There are 100 hemodialysis stations (combining 56 treatment stations in two areas of the Credit Valley Hospital with the additional 24 stations located off site at the Renal Care Centre site at 75 Watline Ave, Suite 125, and new 20 stations located at Wellbrook Place East at 2180 Speakman Dr) * members of the interdisciplinary team are located at all sites to assist with patient and family needs * the vascular access coordinator provides support for all sites * also provides hemodialysis for acutely ill in-patients in other areas of the hospital, such as Critical Care and Emergency

Services and Programs:

  • Hemodialysis - Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre and Ambulatory Care
  • Hemodialysis - Renal Care Centre
  • Hemodialysis - Speakman Dialysis Care Centre

Hours vary depending on program

Areas Served Etobicoke Central ; Halton Region ; Peel Region
Boundaries Mississauga and area
Eligibility Patients with diminished kidney function living in parts of Peel, Halton and West Etobicoke

Medical referral required

Languages English ; French
Fees Medical services are covered by OHIP

Categories and Classification

Service Categories Condition Specific Treatment ~ Kidney Disease ; Hemodialysis ; Hospital Based Outpatient Services ~ Kidney Disease ; Nephrology ; Peritoneal Dialysis
Older Adult Main Categories COMMUNITY HEALTH
Older Adult Sub-Categories Health Centres & Programs ; Outpatient Clinics

Agency Overview