Halton-Peel Community Aphasia Programs (H-PCAP)

Site: Milton

Service: Virtual Community Aphasia Program

Record #: MHH0599
Last Full Update: 26 Feb 2025

Contact Information

Office Phone 905-875-8474
Fax 365-601-1690
E-Mail info@h-pcap.com
Website www.h-pcap.com
Contact Form www.h-pcap.com/contact-us.html
Social Media Facebook Facebook, Instagram Instagram, LinkedIn LinkedIn, Pinterest Pinterest, YouTube YouTube
Primary Contact Brittany Clark, Speech-Language Pathologist and Program Manager; Email: brittany@evergreen-therapy.ca
Alternate Contact Vanessa Rotundo, Communicative Disorders Assistant and Program Coordinator; Phone: 289-778-4472; Email: vanessa@evergreen-therapy.ca

Site Information

Site Location Milton
Located In Community Milton
Address & Map
Milton, ON
Physical Access Not Applicable

Agency Information

Legal Status (50) Non Profit
Established 1984
Primary Executive Dayna O'Kelly, BOD President
Alternate Executive Pat O'Kelly, BOD Treasurer
Funding Donations * Ontario Health atHome

Description and Service Details

Description (Service)

Provides conversation group therapy for adults with aphasia and other communication disorders * sessions are facilitated by Speech-Language Pathologist and Communicative Disorders Assistant

The goal of the aphasia program is to enhance the communication skills and quality of life for people with aphasia using a Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA) * group members actively participate in conversation using a variety of communication strategies

A typical session may include:

  • discussing current events and expressing opinions
  • sharing life stories and events
  • activities that focus on functional conversation skills using a variety of modes including speech, gestures, facial expression, writing, drawing and reading to more effectively express and understand messages in conversation
  • supporting one another to develop skill and confidence in communicating

Aphasia is an acquired language disorder, most often caused by stroke, brain injury or brain illness, that affects a person's ability to communicate * aphasia does not affect intelligence


Tue-Fri Virtual Programs available * call to confirm

Areas Served Brampton ; Burlington ; Milton ; Mississauga ; Oakville
Boundaries Brampton, Burlington, Milton, Mississauga, Oakville
Eligibility Varied types / severity of aphasia due to stroke or brain injury, e.g., Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA), tumor * individuals must be medically stable and living in the community * willingness to participate in supportive conversation groups * demonstrate appropriate behaviour in a social group setting * No / minimal cognitive difficulties * client care needs (i.e., toileting, feeding, and arrangement of transportation) are met by client or caregiver

Self-referral, healthcare professionals, family members, caregivers * fill out referral (attached) and fax

Languages English
Fees Fees covered by Ontario Health atHome funding

Categories and Classification

Service Categories Speech and Language Pathology ~ Brain Injuries ; Speech and Language Pathology ~ Communication Impairments ; Speech and Language Pathology ~ Stroke
Older Adult Main Categories COMMUNITY HEALTH
Older Adult Sub-Categories Health Related Support Groups

Agency Overview

Locations for this Service

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