Burl-Oak Naval Veterans

Site: Halton Naval Veterans Hall

Record #: BTN4817
Last Full Update: 11 Feb 2025

Contact Information

Website www.burloaknavalveterans.org
Primary Contact Andrew Peter Barber, Liaison Officer; Phone: 905-820-5683 * 416-606-6437; Email: andrew.barber@sympatico.ca
Alternate Contact Peter Lorimer; Phone: 289-885-1660; Email: peterl10101956@outlook.com

Site Information

Located In Community Burlington
Address & Map
Halton Naval Veterans Association Club
2444 Industrial St
Burlington, ON L7P 1A5
View Google Map
Intersection Guelph Line and Mountainside Dr
Physical Access Fully Accessible

Agency Information

Description (Agency)

Objective is to preserve Canadian naval traditions and encourage the observance of important dates in Canadian naval history by taking part in memorial services commemorting those those who died in the service of Canada

Legal Status (50) Non Profit
Established 1997
Primary Executive Fred Norman, President; Phone: 905-318-0236; Email: fnorman@hotmail.ca
Alternate Executive Doug Dicker, Vice President; Phone: 289-296-3090 * 905-639-0227; Email: dickerd@live.ca
Funding Donations ; Membership fees

Description and Service Details

Description (Service)

Members attend schools in the area, telling students about their experiences during WW II, Korea and The Cold War 
Royal Canadian Naval Ships Memorial Monument

  • Burl-Oak Naval Veterans were responsible for the erection of the monument, which faces the lake in Spencer Smith Park in downtown Burlington
  • monument honours the memory of the Canadian ships and sailors who served during the Second World War and is the only Canadian memorial that lists the names of all Royal Canadian Navy and Canadian Merchant Navy ships involved in the Battle of the Atlantic (September 1939-May 1945)
  • Korean Naval Monument dedicated to the 9 sailors who lost thier lives during the Korean War June 25th 1950 to September 1955

Annual Parades and Services at Royal Canadian Naval Ships Memorial Monument, Spencer Smith Park:

  • Battle of The Atlantic Parade: first Sunday in May
  • Remembrance Day Sunrise Ceremony and Parade: November 11
  • see website for other parades and scheduled events

Weekly lunch: Wed 12 noon at Halton Naval Veterans Association

Areas Served Halton Region ; Hamilton (City of)
Eligibility Ages: 18 year(s) and up 
For luncheons: all Naval and CAF veterans 
For full membership: veterans of the RCN, RCNR, RNVR, RN, RNR, RNVR, MN, CAF and those who served in the Royal Canadian Navy and CAF in the post war years

Online application form or contact Liaison Officer

Languages English
Fees Membership ; Service - weekly lunch

Categories and Classification

Service Categories Service Clubs ~ Veterans ; Veteran Membership Organizations
Older Adult Sub-Categories Social Clubs & Groups ; Special Events

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