 | CAAN, Mailing Address | |
 | Calea | Mississauga |
 | Calvary Burlington | Burlington |
 | Calvary Chapel Oakville | Oakville |
 | Cama Woodlands, Long Term Care Home | Burlington |
 | Campbellville Pharmacy, Pharmacy Services | Milton |
| Canada. Border Services Agency, Border Information Service | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security | Toronto |
 | Canada. Canada Pension Plan, Retirement pension | Toronto |
 | Canada. Canada Revenue Agency, Tax Information | Canada |
 | Canada. Canada Revenue Agency, Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) | |
 | Canada. Canada Revenue Agency, Canadian Dental Care Plan | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Canada Revenue Agency, Sir Isaac Brock Building, Hamilton Tax Services | Hamilton |
 | Canada. Canada Revenue Agency, Toronto Region, Taxes and benefits, Toronto Region | Toronto |
 | Canada. Elections Canada | Gatineau |
 | Canada. Global Affairs Canada, Essential Information for Canadian Travellers | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Health Canada, Ontario Region, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Health Canada, Cannabis in Canada | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Indigenous Services Canada - East, Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRSRHSP) | Gatineau |
 | Canada. Indigenous Services Canada - East, Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement | Gatineau |
 | Canada. Library and Archives Canada | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Members of Parliament, Milton Electoral District, Federal Constituency Office - Adam van Koeverden | Milton |
 | Canada. Members of Parliament, Burlington Electoral District, Federal Constituency Office - Karina Gould | Burlington |
 | Canada. Members of Parliament, Oakville North-Burlington Electoral District, Federal Constituency Office - Pam Damoff | Halton Region |
 | Canada. Members of Parliament, Oakville Electoral District, Federal Constituency Office - Anita Anand | Oakville |
 | Canada. Members of Parliament, Wellington-Halton Hills - Fergus Office, Federal Services to Constituents | Centre Wellington |
 | Canada. National Defence, Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Office of the Prime Minister | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Parks Canada | Gatineau |
 | Canada. Parliament of Canada, Ottawa, Visitor Information | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada - Toronto, Bureau of Pensions Advocates, Toronto - Scarborough | Toronto |
 | Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada - Toronto, Mississauga Service Centre | Mississauga |
 | Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada - Toronto, Office of the Veterans Ombudsman | Toronto |
 | Canada. Veterans Review and Appeal Board, Charlottetown | Charlottetown |
 | Canadian Academy of Dental Health and Community Sciences - Division of the Canadian Academy of Dental Hygiene, Dental Hygiene Clinic | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners | Toronto |
 | Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre | North Bay |
 | Canadian Association of the Deaf | Ottawa |
 | Canadian Automobile Association, South Central Ontario - Burlington Office | Burlington |
 | Canadian Automobile Association, South Central Ontario - Oakville Office | Oakville |
 | Canadian Breast Cancer Network | Ottawa |
| Canadian Cancer Society - Ontario Division, Breast Cancer Support and Information Team | Toronto Downtown North |
 | Canadian Cancer Society - Ontario Division, Cancer Information Service | Toronto Downtown North |
 | Canadian Cancer Society - Ontario Division, Smokers' Helpline | Toronto Downtown North |
 | Canadian Cancer Society - Ontario Division - Peer Match Program, Canadian Cancer Society - Ontario Division | Toronto Downtown North |
 | Canadian Caribbean Association of Halton, Cultural Heritage Group | Oakville |
 | Canadian Centre for Housing Rights, Eviction Prevention and Tenant Services | Toronto |
 | Canadian Club of Halton | Oakville |
 | Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health, Markham | Markham |
 | Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association | Ottawa |
 | Canadian Croatian Choral Society | Oakville |
 | Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind | Ottawa |
 | Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Advocacy and Support Groups | Hamilton |
 | Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, Ottawa, Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, Ottawa | Ottawa |
 | Canadian Hearing Services, Hamilton Regional Office, Canadian Hearing Services, Canadian Hearing Services Support Groups and Counselling | Hamilton |
 | Canadian Hearing Services - Toronto and York Region, Canadian Hearing Services, Mississauga Regional Office | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Hearing Services - Toronto and York Region, Canadian Hearing Services, Toronto Regional Office | Toronto |
 | Canadian Hemophilia Society, Toronto and Central Ontario Region, Blood Disorders Information and Support | Scarborough North |
 | Canadian Home Healthcare, Sleep Apnea Therapy and Home Oxygen | Oakville |
 | Canadian Indian Association of Halton Region, Cultural Heritage Group | Oakville |
 | Canadian Italian Family Assistance Association, Toronto | Toronto |
 | Canadian Japanese Cultural Centre of Hamilton, Canadian Japanese Cultural Centre of Hamilton Programs | Hamilton |
 | Canadian Liver Foundation, Markham - National Office and Toronto/GTA Chapter | Markham |
 | Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Bronte Harbour Chiropractic Clinic | Oakville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Region Branch Head Office - Oakville, Mental Health Services | Oakville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Education and Training | Oakville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Mobile Outreach Team - COAST | Oakville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Milton and Halton Hills, Mental Health Services | Milton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Call-In Counselling | Halton Region |
 | Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons, Niagara District - Burlington Power and Sail Squadron | Burlington |
 | Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons, Oakville Power and Sail Squadron | Oakville |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Burlington Branch | Burlington |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Burlington Branch, Meals on Wheels | Burlington |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Burlington Branch, Transportation | Burlington |
 | Canadian Red Cross, Halton and Peel Regional Office, Ontario Friendly Calls Program | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Snowbird Association | Toronto |
 | Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society, Toronto - Main Office | Toronto |
 | Canadian Virtual Hospice | Winnipeg |
 | Cancer Assistance Halton Hills | Georgetown |
 | CANES Community Care, Ride Connect | Toronto |
 | CANES Community Care, Care Bridge Program | Toronto |
| Cangrands National Kinship Support, Mailing Address | Saskatchewan |
 | Capability Support Services, Community Outreach Services | Burlington |
 | Capability Support Services, Burlington - Aldershot Village, Supportive Housing | Burlington |
 | Capability Support Services, Burlington - Carey House, Shared Living | Burlington |
 | Capability Support Services, VIS-ABLE Program | Burlington |
 | Care for Life Support Services, Specialized Supports for Older Adults | Burlington |
 | caregiverexchange.ca | London |
 | CareLink Advantage | Milton |
 | CarePartners, In-Home Care Services | Mississauga |
 | CarePoint Health, Mississauga, Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program | Mississauga |
 | CareRx SmartMeds Pharmacy, Pharmacy Services | Burlington |
 | Caroline Family Health Team | Burlington |
 | Caroline Family Health Team, Diabetes Education Program | Burlington |
 | CARP, Halton Chapter | Burlington |
 | Carpenter Hospice | Burlington |
 | CBI Health, Driver Assessment Services | Burlington |
 | CBI Home Health, In Home Care Services | Mississauga |
 | CCF for PSP Awareness, Online/Web Service, Support Group | Burlington |
 | Cedar Springs Ski Club | Burlington |
| Cemeteries, Crematoria and Interment of Ashes - Burlington and Area | Burlington |
 | Central Baptist Church | Oakville |
 | Central Registry | Oakville |
| Central Registry, Adult Day Programs | Oakville |
| Central Registry, Caregiver ReCharge | Oakville |
| Central Registry, Food Support Programs | Oakville |
| Central Registry, Supports for Daily Living | Oakville |
| Central Registry, Temporary short stays out-of-home | Oakville |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH Support Resources and Information Services | Toronto |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Addiction Medicine Services and Specialized Clinics | Toronto |
 | Challenge Golf | Oakville |
 | CharterAbility | Oakville |
 | Chartwell Baptist Community Homes, Prince Charles Place | Oakville |
 | Chartwell Church | Oakville |
 | Chartwell Lakeshore Retirement Residence | Burlington |
 | Chartwell Martha's Landing Retirement Residence | Burlington |
 | Chartwell Oakville Retirement Residence, Oakville - Oak Park Blvd | Oakville |
 | Chartwell Waterford Retirement Residence, Oakville - Baronwood Dr | Oakville |
| Chatting to Wellness | Toronto |
 | Chez Pharmacy, Pharmacy Services | Burlington |
 | Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic, Toronto | Toronto |
 | Chinese Association of Mississauga, Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Chinmaya Mission Halton Region | Milton |
 | Christie Oaks Care Home, Acton | Acton |
 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The), Burlington Ward | Burlington |
 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (The), Oakville Ward | Oakville |
 | Church of St George and St Abanoub | Milton |
 | Church of St Matthew on the Plains | Burlington |
 | Church of the Epiphany | Oakville |
 | Churchill Community Church | Acton |
 | Circle of Friends Tai Chi Club | Milton |
 | Circle of Harmony Chorus | Oakville |
 | Circulate Cardiac & Vascular Centre | Burlington |
 | City of Hamilton, Planning and Economic Development Department, Tourism and Culture Division, Tourism Hamilton, Visitor Information Centre | Hamilton |
 | Classic Book Club | Oakville |
 | Cleaning For A Reason | |
 | Clear View Pharmacy, Pharmacy Services | Oakville |
 | Clearpoint Pharmacy and Compounding Services, Pharmacy Services | Burlington |
 | ClearView Church | Oakville |
 | CLEO | Toronto |
 | CLEO, Steps to Justice | Toronto |
 | Closing the Gap Healthcare, In Home Care Services | Mississauga |
 | CNIB, Toronto Region, Impaired Vision Information and Support | North York Central |
 | Cocaine Anonymous | Toronto Downtown Central |
 | Cogir Senior Living, Appleby Place Retirement Home | Burlington |
 | Cogir Senior Living, The Williamsburg Retirement Home | Burlington |
 | Cogir Senior Living, Retirement Home | Oakville |
 | Colleen's Care Company | Oakville |
 | College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario | Toronto Downtown Central |
 | College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario | Toronto Downtown |
 | Colorectal Cancer Resource and Action Network (CCRAN) | Oakville |
 | ComForCare Home Care, Halton, In Home Care Services | Milton |
 | Comfort First Caregivers | Halton Hills |
 | Comfort Keepers, Halton Hills, Milton and Guelph, In-Home Care Services | Georgetown |
 | Comfort Keepers, Oakville, In Home Care Services | Oakville |
 | Community Development Halton | Acton |
 | Community Development Halton, Burlington | Burlington |
 | Community Development Halton, Volunteer Halton | Burlington |
 | Community Rehabilitation, In-Home Physiotherapy | Lorne Park |
 | Community Service Movers | Mississauga |
 | Compass Community Health Centre, Diabetes Foot Care Program | Hamilton |
 | Compass Point Bible Church | Burlington |
 | Compass Point Bible Church, Food Market | Burlington |
 | Compassion Society of Halton | Burlington |
 | Compassion Society of Halton, Burlington, Food Market | Burlington |
 | Compounding Centre (The), Oakville - Postmaster Dr, Pharmacy Services | Oakville |
 | Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities | Toronto Downtown North |
 | Connected Canadians, Technology training and support for seniors | Ottawa |
 | Connected Care Halton Ontario Health Team (CCHOHT), Navigation Line | Oakville |
| ConnexOntario, Helpline | Not Known |
 | Consent and Capacity Board | Toronto |
 | Conservation Halton, Burlington - Mount Nemo Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Burlington |
 | Conservation Halton, Campbellville - Mountsberg Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Milton |
 | Conservation Halton, Milton - Area 8 Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Milton |
 | Conservation Halton, Milton - Crawford Lake Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Milton |
 | Conservation Halton, Milton - Hilton Falls Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Milton |
 | Conservation Halton, Milton - Kelso Conservation Area / Glen Eden, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Milton |
 | Conservation Halton, Milton - Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Milton |
 | Conservation Halton, Milton - Robert Edmondson Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Milton |
 | Consolidated Credit Counselling Services of Canada | Toronto |
 | Cornerstone Baptist Church | Oakville |
 | Cornwall Medical Clinic | Oakville |
 | Cornwall Pharmacy, Pharmacy Services | Oakville |
 | Costco Pharmacy, Burlington - Brant St, Pharmacy Services | Burlington |
 | Country Heritage Park, Food and Farm Education, Field Trip Venue, Private Tours, Heritage Venue, Event Venue and Operational Farm | Milton |
 | COVID-19 Assessment Centres and Testing Options, Halton Region | Halton Region |
 | COVID-19 Information, Halton Region | Halton Region |
 | COVID-19 Vaccine Information, Halton Region | Halton Region |
 | CPAP Central, Georgetown | Georgetown |
 | Creative Community Hive, Burlington, Oakville and Milton, Community Crafting Sessions | Halton Region |
 | Credit Canada, Oakville Office | Oakville |
 | Credit Canada Debt Solutions, Credit Canada Debt Solutions, Head Office / North York Branch | Toronto |
 | Credit Counselling Society, Hamilton Credit Counselling Office, Credit Counselling Society Debt Help | Hamilton |
 | Credit Counselling Society, GTA, Mississauga, Financial support, Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Artisans | Georgetown |
 | Credit Valley Conservation Authority, Limehouse Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Halton Hills |
 | Credit Valley Conservation Authority, Silver Creek Conservation Area, Conservation Land & Recreational Trails | Halton Hills |
 | Credit Valley Diagnostic Centre | Milton |
 | Croatian Social and Cultural Centre | Halton Hills |
 | Crohn's and Colitis Canada, Halton Region Chapter | Halton Region |
 | Crossings Community Church | Acton |
 | Crosstowne Church | Milton |
 | Crusaders Rugby Club | Oakville |
 | Crystal Care Medical Clinic, Family Practice and Walk-in | Milton |
 | Crystal Care Pharmacy, Pharmacy Services | Milton |
 | Custom Orthotic Design Group, Orthotic Centre at the Credit Valley Hospital | Erin Mills |
| Cyber-Seniors | |
 | Cycling Without Age Hamilton & Burlington | Burlington |
 | Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Cystic Fibrosis Canada Hamilton Chapter Location, Cystic Fibrosis Canada Hamilton Chapter Services | Hamilton |